Thursday, March 25, 2010

I don't like mind games. I've been indulging in them for much too long now, and it's beginning to get tiring.
There's this point in your life when you know you've probably left something behind, to NOT have it follow you.

I thought i'd had my share of mind games, but it's followed me.
To a place that I thought was specifically mind games free.

Guess not.

And then there are times when you think you have the control. You really, really do. There are no delusions in theory.
And then when it hits you, right upfront.. pretty evident who the doofus has been, innit?

I'm rambling.
I just don't like these mind games. I really don't. This is my one thing I hate the most. Like, ever.

And I swear to god, I did not think it would be in the context of You.


Logan Goodale said...

Random comment from someone you don't know YAY! I'm just trying to get my blog out there for other people to read


I agree! Mind games suck! especially when your stuck in the middle of one and you don't know how to get out. Though I do have to confess that I do play mind games with people....though I'm getting better! good? yea? lol idk

youngthomsen said...

Mind games can really bring you down. I agree, just believe in yourself and you never know, the mind knows more than you can believe. Just have fun ;-)

chumly said...

Sometimes the worst mind games are the games I play in my own head. So why should I rent space in my head for anyone else.