Tuesday, February 17, 2009

...the last resort being?

When words refuse to define, answer, connect.

When concrete emotions don't come into being because you can't point at one.

When "in your face lyrics" still don't relate to you situation.

When you find yourself writing in verse to sound more serious.

When you create your own definitions of verse (?)

When there's no situation really, but you have to give a word to it.

When you're tired of pulling the "I'm Pms-ing" string.

When you're just tired.

When it's pointless.


"Mama says she's worried

Growing up in a hurry, yeah

"Come on home, girl"

mama cried on the phone

"Too soon to lose my baby and

my girl should be at home!"

"But try to understand,

try to understand

Try try try to understand

He's a magic man."

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