Friday, August 1, 2008

I love Dave Mathews Band! i just transfered a few songs from a friends lappie, and i've fallen in love with it all over again!!
Apart from that, college is going fine... I'm busy as usual. I love this feeling of doing consrtuctive stuff, plus my editor just told me that my work has been fantastic lately!

Wait, you know how you shorten the word fabulous and make it "fab"? Since yesterday, I'll shortened the word "fantastic" to "fann" and it sounds so funny, but I cant stop myself from saying it anymore!

Anyway... oh yeah. I'm thinking of opening another blogpae where I take pictures and write about incidents of everytime i hear someone say "anywayS" or type it. I'm sick of getting pissed off with wrong grammar, so I'm going to try to e a little less cynical about it and accept that there are people out there who are either ignorant or downright stupid.

Untill next time then.

P.s- Gravedigger- dave mathews band! I can't get enough of it!!


Kenny said...

When you dig my grave
Could you make it shallow
So that I can feel the rain..."
Love that song!!

Ohhh...and i am one of those "either ignorant or downright stupid" people...but thanks to you, my grammar just got a bit better. No more anyways for me. ;)

"What's all the fuss about anyway (previously anyways)??"

V said...

what's so funny about "fann"? i don't get it... anyways, maybe your humor way better than mine.

S said...

Kenny: Yeah! I know, we cured you!
OMG! you love golddigger too :D

V: try saying "omg that was soo fann!" or "thats fann!" *with emphasis on the 'n'* you'll see it.

KD. K Bodhi said...

I'll shortened the word "fantastic" to "fann"

Sahikala. Worstestest.

KD. K Bodhi said...

@V: Potential target.

V said...

i still don't get it... maybe you should stop abbreviating words that don't need abbreviation.

@ok, i hear you.

Kenny said...

Ummmm...I don't really like "Golddiggers" :P

KD. K Bodhi said...

Dude hows your tam? I pretty much operate in tam. Esp. w.r. chutney. You could perhaps provide the English angle?

V said...

my tamil is bad... adi says, my the nasty-touch gets watered down when i use tamil in my comments.. so i'll stick to english... if it's get too complicated, leave me a translatory note before you exit.. lol..

S said...

Wicked: Did the typo bounce off your thick skull?

V: If you couldnt get it with that, you won't ever. tsk.

@ "the potential target" jibe: up yours, you both.

Kenny: are you going to start pluralising other things now? :P

Kenny said...

I think i might, old habits die hard...but i'll make sure the grammar's proper. ;)

V said...

yeah.. *bows to her humor*


mission semi-accomplished.

we can still continue to administer small doses at sporadic intervals.

KD. K Bodhi said...

What? Dude. You should read the comments on her old post and on pugsie. The focus was on somehow insulting S.

She gets angry really easy. So a easy target.

S said...

Yawn. You're idea of fun is repitive and boring.

S said...
