Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I've never wanted to write/type in English this bad before :D
I had to give a qualifying hindi exam today, for the second time in 2 years, because i managed to flunk last year, I mean who the hell made hindi our national language anyway?

Oh yeah, this post.... it dedicated to the use of the word "anywayS"

Does it exist?
Is it still used?
Beyond me.
Does it piss me off?

Whats with people pluralising thing? Lol (which doesnt make sense to me as well) becomes lol'z'.
Anyway becomes AnywayS. All the Delhi-ites should know this- What's with people calling PVR Priya as PriyaS or Elevate as ElevateS, or worse Mocha as MochaS and so on? Seriously people. Get a real job.

You know, today is one of those days where you're not sure if you're feeling good or bad. So there've been these box of nuts in my frige for the longest time and suddenly Mum and me discover that they're Chocolate covered nuts :)
Best friend came to a conclusion about a facebook update that is relative yet in your face obvious. Then, my hindi marks, after calculating 95 times, are 18 on 50 worst-case scenario.. which is passing! (its qualifying, people!! donot judge) Im over Malu boy... still am not over my fixation for Southies though :) I have kickass plans for the vacations.... And well, I've had an Amazing hair day, so im guessing thats where this is bubbling from.

A friend just said "good nightS". Its like God is rubbing it in my face.

Anyway.... getting back to the good things. All the guys I've had a crush on, and i have this habit of putting them all up on a pedestal, are suddenly becoming more and more human to me. They're all normal, nothing spectacular, though i can still see why i liked them, its so clear that i don't anymore. So its clean, if you will. There's nobody to think of, and on a normal day I'd whine about this, but well, its not everyday you find chocolate covered nuts in your fridge :)

Yep, today's one of those days where you think the world loves you and everybody from the opposite sex is attracted to you :)
Lalalalaalala :)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That 'anyways' thing annoys the living hell out of me. I've earned a good number of enemies when I insulted them badly when they used it. (My inner grammar Nazi can't help it. :P)
The other stuff like Mocha's, Priya's would make sense if they were some persons' I can say, "I'm going to Swetha's". :P But since they aren't, I feel like lynching every idiot who rapes the language like that.

By the way, I got 93 in Hindi in 10th. (Yeh, yeh, I'm a proper champ at languages *collar uppings*, although dumb at everything else. :P)

By the way, I like the way you blog. It's as if the words are being spoken, which is fun to read! :D

Okay, I am spamming now.

KD. K Bodhi said...

@drenched: "...although dumb at everything else." Couldn't agree more with that assessment of Drenched.

@swetha: Its like reading what I write:). How about Itz, methinks? I used to correct emails and mail it back to people:).

Lavanya said...

I loathe 'lolz'.
Grammar is one of the ways I judge guys. If you're hot, but still have shitty grammar, no way i'm comin near that guy.
Once a guy i knew said 'stuffs'. I haven't spoken to him since.

S said...

@drenched: 93?? Are you serious? mffft. Are you an English lit student by any chance?

@ok: anything with a z added to it is enough to make me want to puke :)

@cocunut chutney: me toooo :D OMG! how much do you hate people who say "howS you?"

Anonymous said...

@OK: Oh, be quiet, you word-thief. Get original first.
And when I said I was dumb at everything else, I was being too modest. Let me be truthful now. Actually, I'm very very good at everything! Hmph.

@Swetha: Hahaha, yeah, even I couldn't believe that 93 and my father nearly fainted in shock when he heard it because I'd always cribbed about Hindi.
And no, I'm not an English Litt. student but an Economics one. I have the option of changing my major next session and I'm planning to hop off to English but I think my mother will throw a whining fit. So, either I have to throw a bigger tantrum fit or I have to be one those meek Indian yes-ma kind students and bow down to her wishes.

And yeah, that "How's you?" makes me want to strangle the shit of such people! Not to mention those dumb little 'methinks' and 'stuffs' idiots. I must stop before I pop a vein.

Samster said...
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Samster said...

our hindi course dealt intricately with the whole concept behind making hindi the national language...yehp...seems like you nailed the exam...lmao...

ps-couldnt help deleting the 1st comment...whaddya dormant conscience finally reared its obscenely large head... figure...:D