Monday, September 9, 2013

Pateela, pateela, pateela.

There. I am standing, feet firmly stuck to the ground, with nails hammered between my toes.

You are a manifestation of my weakness. It sucks to have to reduce you to something inhuman, but what's a revelatory decision without a little selfishness (read: delusionless self-realisations)

I must quit you, too. Fact is, I'm so much happier like this. Certain cliches need to be implemented. Lifestyle needs to change, love for the immediate people around me needs to amp up.

Must take these very hands and build myself a life filled with self-sufficiency, gratitude and hardwork. The rest will follow. It always does.

I'll miss you, alright. But this is a reminder to self about how fantastically superb it feels to do the right thing. For once.

Come walk along with me, faith.

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